Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

To all out there who improve
My attitude
Who have something to say
More than platitudes

Who are deadly serious
But also funny at times
Who care about our nation
And the Freedom loving kind

Bless our warriors
For stepping forward bold
Who put it on the line
Heart and soul

Thanks to all who work
To see through the MSM news
Through all their nit wit picking
And harping carping views

I’ve always liked saying Merry Christmas
Even when I’ve had the blues
But this year slightly more
Knowing how much it upsets

The not so sacred ACLU

1:03 pm
transcribed this time
1:08 pm


Monday, December 19, 2005

You mean along with this

You mean along with this

Yeah I should just stroll in
And read my latest work at Gemini Ink
Like they're free and openly encouraging
To those who disagree with what they think

Just like there's not a double standard
Left wing fascist back stabbing over view
Just like there's not an out and out agenda
Of Free Speech for me.... but not for you

Just like there wouldn't be a set up
With somebody planning ahead of time
To portray themselves as a holy victim
And I wouldn't be framed up for a crime

Just like somebody wouldn't talk over me
Like is going on all over the United States
By the petty bed wetty unhinged fringe
With their lame brained version of duhhh bait


Just like there's not a double standard
Left wing fascist back stabbing over view
Just like there's not an out and out agenda
Of Free Speech for me.... but not for you

7:52 pm
In reply to an
Instructor of Journalism, Literature,
and Writing Faculty Communications Department
Harry S Truman College (
1145 W. Wilson, Chicago, IL 60640

That I read my Tookie Williams
Epitaph poem at the Gemini Ink open mic.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Tookie Williams....Epitaph

Tookie Williams

Hey Blood whatcha gonna do now
Watcha gonna do when the needle goes in
Are you going to look over and wave
At all your new found celebrity friends

Better get ready with that ticket
Fate is coming like a freight train
The day is fast approaching to pay
For your inflicting death and pain

You're going to have to own up
To your legacy and crime
You're going to have to own up
To being a slug thug murdering slime

Tookie Tookie Tookie
Co-founder of the Crips
But no inside info did you
Ever let slip from your lips

You never even admitted to
Haven taken your victims lives
So write all the books you want but
You're still only slick trick talkin jive

The good people in a community
Can also teach youth to stand up
And they don't also first have to
Have been depraved and corrupt


If the judgment seems too harsh
More than one man can understand
Try hard to remember back to when
You had that shot gun in your hand

11:36 am
transcribed this time
12:14 pm
