Thursday, February 16, 2006

What the Hell is wrong with you

What the Hell is wrong with you

What a little scum bag queen you are
What a bratty arrogant snot
With no idea who Pappy Boyington is
Or what is and what is not

Such arrogance and ignorance
Drooling out between your lips
How did you get an attitude
That low slow shallow and flip

8:03 am
this was written to:
Jill Edwards, a Junior in Mathematics at the
University of Washington, says that a
U.S. Marine is not --- that's right, NOT the example
of the sort of person that the University of Washington
wants to produce.

By the way .. there's at least one more moonbat
on the U of W student senate. Her name is Ashley Miller.
Ashley says that there are already enough monuments
at UW commemorating "rich white men."

Her email address is

transcribed this time
8:46 am


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