Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

Even though the Supreme Court thinks we ought to
Give all the terrorists million dollar civil trials
Even though the New York Slime reveals
Money tracking operations with an idiot smile

Happy 4th of July

Because there are young men still in the field
Still getting dirty dusty and hot beyond belief
Still putting on their gear facing their fear
And going out to possibly suffer sudden grief

Happy 4th of July

Because this is my country and not some illegals
Because this is my country and not some crybaby’s
Because this is my country and it’s worth fighting for
And that doesn’t come with some hedge my bets maybe

Happy 4th of July

Because I can remember the good that has gone before
Because I can still see the beauty of my homeland
Because when push comes to shove on what I love
I can and will take a meaningful hard line hard core stand

Because I can still celebrate the morning sun coming up
Because I still have room in my heart for friends
Because I still see and hear the real deal heart and intelligence
Of those in my larger family my fellow United States citizens

11:07 am
transcribed this time
11:09 am


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