Wednesday, June 27, 2007

On the supposed non danger of ragtag thugs

On the supposed non danger of ragtag thugs

And they were never going to take down the towers
And they were never going to bomb London's trains
And they were never going to go slit throat crazy
And rejoice in suicide insanity and inflicting no brain pain

Ahhhh yes that Achminijhad is a calm level headed guy
I'm sure he's just joking about wiping Israel of the map
I'm sure that whole wanting nuclear fissionable material
Is as innocent as a camel sticking his nose under the tents flap

There will never ever be any real harm done
The Kobart towers and Muslim snipers on the East coast
Are just isolated incidents that Islamo Fascists
Are pretending to to cover over their being such milk toasts

No big deal we can all just look away
No big deal we can just bury our head in the sand
But you know it's one thing to miss a few of the details
But something else to remain

A willfully ignorant man

10:49 am
transcribed this time
12:09 pm


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