Saturday, December 25, 2004

Soft spoken and reasonable

Soft spoken and reasonable

While explaining why America
Is hated by the world
Insulted by the swine as you
Cast before them your pearls

Of the latest fashion regarding compassion
Wisdom and insight as to what is right
And that is to put more restrictions on the
Us Soldier in this low down ugly fight

But now

Why again do you think equivocating
About America Bin Laden and Hussein
Is supposed to make you look anything
But double standardly insane


Islam’s muslims need to figure out
There is no neutral anymore
You’re either with us or against us
It is time to choose a door

It’s not all that ensconced in nuanced
You’re either alive or …. dead
And if you shoot at ours
I want a bullet in your head


And that goes for sympathizers
Whether they’re self aware or not
Whether naïve or intentional
Or just suffering from soft brain rot

Every fighting man in our army
Is important to each and everyone of us
There is no more sacred bond
There is no more valued trust

It’s not all that ensconced in nuanced
You’re either alive or …. dead
And if you shoot at ours
I want a bullet in your head

8:20 am
transcribed this time
6:36 pm

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