Saturday, February 05, 2005

Give all the police the guns

Give all the police the guns

And nothing bad will happen
I'm absolutely sure about this
I'm telling you this belief
Will put you in a place of bliss

Not only am I going to
Make this decision for myself
I'm also so dead sure enough
I'm want to make it for everybody else

Centralize this power
Into the hands of a few
What could go wrong there
Isn't that a reasonable view

The best way to be safe
Is to do what I do
And always let another man
Do your fighting for you

Call them names if they don't
Like stupid gun totin hick
This will make you look smarter
And people will see you're slick

Argue endlessly about
What the Second Amendment means
It worked well with the
Monica Lewinsky version

Of coming....clean

But above all just believe
Believe believe believe
Bend the rules if you have to
You know

Moore or Less....decieve

Give all the police the guns

Nothing bad will happen
I'm absolutely sure about this
I'm telling you this belief
Will put you in a place of bliss

Not only am I going to
Make this decision for myself
I'm also so dead sure enough
I'm want to make it for everybody else

1:36 pm
transcribed this time
1:47 pm

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