I see a decline in our society and
I put the responsibility of that straight on
Illegal immigration
The Vulture Culture Wars
Rap being nothing but crap
And treating women like whores
And getting away with it
Because the trump card is race
But it's ok to bash Christianity
And attack states of grace
I see a decline in our society and
I put the responsibility of that straight on
Moral Equivolency being a cancer
That has infected education
Where professors think it's elite
And neat to teach hating this nation
Also the liberal bias pours out its filth
And undermines with its grime
The good our troops have done
Opting for the negative almost every time
And Hollyweird has gone mad
Michael Moore is a punk
But France goes all a blather lather
For his pimped out putrid junk
I see a decline in our society and
I put the responsibility of that straight on
The Democrats being crazy
There's not a sane one anywhere
All they know how to do is bitch and moan
And get in everybodys hair
How nuts is gay marriage
Like there was ever any doubt
We're here and we're queer
And they mean the Boyscouts
And the ACLU
The ACLU has gone so far left
That they're left out in the cold
It seems like their biggest fear
Is that somebody will pray for your soul
Or say Merry Christmas
Or lock everybody in NAMBLA up
It appears to me they only defend
The immoral depraved and corrupt
And didn't
The womens movement get hijacked
By angry lesbians screaming
Like it's somehow unnatural for men
And women to harmonize their dreaming
How socialistic is it
To have to fund NPR and the NEA
To be forced to have to support
What adolescent rebellion has to say
No wonder youth goes crazy
They're all fed a bunch of BS and lies
Like if they have any basic values
It might accidently open their eyes
And then support for the vampire cult
Would wither on the vine and die
And then all those blame game addicts
Would have to get a real job
Instead of just sliming by
9:53 pm
transcribed this time
8:47 am
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