Saturday, November 27, 2004

A Crock O Dial Tears

A crock o dial tears
and other wrong numbers


All the fake people

And give their fake concern
As if there's only some tragic lesson
For the rest of us to learn

Who do not have their gifts
Their light into strategic insight
That it is always only loss
When America enters a fight

America is always making a mistake
America is always wrong
And we're just the mean ol bully
Flexin muscle to prove we're strong


Or then there's always someplace else
That's just as bad or worse
Like if we never ever made a move
We wouldn't end up in a hearse

All the fake people

And shed their politically motivated tears
And mix them in with their reservations
Second guessing and narcissistic fears

They love to be against
While saying they support the troops
Like that doesn't ring out hollow and
Come out smelling like day ol dog poop

What a bunch of sanctimonious twits
How low can you go
Feeding off the blood of brave men
Like that somehow proves they know

But they only listen to what they want
What backs up what they already believe
It seems they have a mask for everything
They've even got this one to show they grieve

It always comes back to them
Because that's what they're all about
The nattering naybobs of negativity
Sowing their seeds of doubt


They love to be against
While saying they support the troops
Like that doesn't ring out hollow and
Come out smelling like day ol dog poop

8:14 pm
transcribed this time
8:05 pm

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